Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Weed eater repair advice my weed eater stopped working and I realized the gasoline blend was too oil rich..?

I blended the gas with the 2 cycle oil but didn't realize the brand i was using and mixed thre ratio 3 times what it was supposed to be . My weedeater won't start and the is some oil residue seeping out of the motor...what would be the correct process to get the thing to work again???Weed eater repair advice my weed eater stopped working and I realized the gasoline blend was too oil rich..?
dump out what is in the tank, remove the spark plug, and holding the weed eater with the sparkplug hole down...pull the starter rope until nothing else comes out the plug hole....put some clean gas (Half a cup) in the tank, and swish it around, dump out...

replace plug , refill with fresh gas,mixed correctly......Weed eater repair advice my weed eater stopped working and I realized the gasoline blend was too oil rich..?
Dump the bad mix, get a fresh plug and make sure the gap is right, reinstall the plug, put in fresh gas and oil mix and it should start. If not, the exhaust may be plugged from the extra oil, but I would guess it will start with the new plug just fine.
Remove the gas, then take the carburetor off and clean it out with carburetor cleaner. Replace your spark plug.Then refill with correct mix of oil and gas. Or take to the repair shop. Or save it for the next garage sale.

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