Saturday, December 26, 2009

My sons Pontiac Sunfire 2001 engine blew up. Lack of oil. Any have a ballpark figure to repair or replace the?

About $1000 dollars, usually to repair or replace an engine, but not at the main garages. Find some dude on the back roads, or a wreck at a junkyard. The problem is it is serious work because all the stuff is so HEAVY, and dangerous to do.My sons Pontiac Sunfire 2001 engine blew up. Lack of oil. Any have a ballpark figure to repair or replace the?
The engines are fairly inexpensive. Some people may laugh, but you can save 50% or more getting one from a reputable seller on eBay.

43,000 miles for $300 and one with 7 miles for $800 on there right now.

As a ballpark, I would say you're looking at 8-10 hrs labor for the replacement at $65/hr.

All told, approximately $1000. I would probably budget $1200 to be safe.My sons Pontiac Sunfire 2001 engine blew up. Lack of oil. Any have a ballpark figure to repair or replace the?
2 MUCH....


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