Friday, December 18, 2009

Does anyone know if the ';V05'; hot oil treatment actualy works to repair damaged hair, and remoisturize it?

if not, anyone know what does repair damaged hair?Does anyone know if the ';V05'; hot oil treatment actualy works to repair damaged hair, and remoisturize it?
Nothing repairs damaged hair... you can find products that cover up or hide the damaged but that is all that is possible.

Hair that you see above the scalp is made of dead cells, if you get a split end then you have a split end and there is no method for it to repair itself nor is there any method of gluing the two halves of the hair back together.

The only thing you'll get with any type of hot oil treatment is a shinnier hair or less dry hair... those treatments can infuse moisture into dry hair and coat it to make it shine but it is only temporary.

Look at your hair as if it were wood... you can make it shiny with wax... you can make it more moist with oils... but when the wood or your hair is badly damaged, then that is all she wrote. Let it grow out and cut off the split ends. And if your hair is too dry my guess is your washing it too often.Does anyone know if the ';V05'; hot oil treatment actualy works to repair damaged hair, and remoisturize it?
It worked for me. Great as a hot oil. But if you really want to use something for damaged hair, try a good deep conditioner or leave in treatment. Protein treatments are great as well. Sally's has so many to choose from.

Also, if your ends are damaged, you should get trims regularly.
Yes, it really works,, it best to put the tube in warm water for around 15 mins. and apply it liberally on hair %26amp; massage your scalp in the process. Rinse hair well making sure no residues are left..You'll notice your revitalized %26amp; shiny mane after....
';V05'; hot oil treatment does work my hair is extremely long and hard to keep healthy and its always worked for me
It's okay but really once hair is damaged you need to cut it off and start fresh. Hair is dead so you can't really repair it. It's like burning a match, you can soak it in oil all you want but it won't change what it is.
it makes it look better temporarily. What is better for damaged hair is aveda damage remedy. It is in salons or on ebay.
I haven't had any luck with it. However, the best conditioning repair I've ever used is the conditioner in Loreal's hair coloring. It is awesome. I wish they sold it by the bottle instead of just in the box of color.
It doesn't fix damaged hair and believe my hair was damaged. It merely coats the hair and disguises the damaged hair. So in the end your hair looks healed, but it is merely a temporary bandaid for damaged hair. The only product that comes close to healing damaged hair is Biolustre and it cost roughly about 60 bucks for a 16 oz. bottle.
It works really well to keep your hair looking healthy. But you definitely need to cut off the damaged part. There isn't much to do to that.
I have used it and I like it,(my hair is down to the back of my knees) but I suggest using Cholesterol, it is a peachy pink color and you can get it almost anywhere. I have also started using Coconut oil for my ends and I love how soft my hair is. I have naturally shiny hair so I only need something to make it softer. I don't believe in cutting my hair, so cutting off split ends isn't an option for me. Also I don't stick to the same shampoos and conditioner, I change it up. I notice my hair gets used to one if I use it for too long and gives me a build up. Hope this helps.
The best way to find the best products for your hair is to try them all. That would be pretty expensive but go over to a friends house and use some of her stuff. See how it works, and just keep trying new things. Hair may work with products from this company and not that's all trial and error.

If I can suggest something, I would suggest you try a hot oil treatment....for a cheaper way to have great soft and silky hair with less frizzies, warm up some olive oil (regular cooking stuff) in the microwave and massage it into your hair while it is dry. Wrap it up in a warm towel from the drier and sit for an hour or so. Maybe give yourself a facial at the same time. Then get in the shower, and shampoo out all the oil (because water won't get the oil out--oil and water don't mix) and then condition your hair. Viola! Beautiful silky hair.

The most key thing to protecting your locks is to stay away from all heat. Yep, that means no hairdrier, no straightner, no curling iron either....It's very hard not to advert to these products but just try it for a week. Don't blow dry your hair for a week....try it. I know it's hard not to but if you stay away from things with heat such as blow driers, curling irons, straightners, will notice a HUGE change in the feel and look of your hair. It will be so much more healthy.
it's okay, but i would say to use olive oil instead. you can get a couple of cheap bottles from the 99 cents store, and it's natural.

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